The approved list will be handled right away, and the unapproved list can be sent for further investigation. 已批准的列表将被立即处理,未获批准的列表将送区进行进一步调查。
For the parties whose registrations have been approved, a new process has begun: a90-day recruitment drive to complete a party membership list. 申请注册的政党尚未被批准,一个新的进程已经开始了:为期90天的招募党的成员的运动。
Our Broker Selection Policy requires that all brokers on our approved broker list have been determined to provide best execution. 我们的券商选择政策要在我们经批准的券商名单上的券商均已被认定为可以提供最佳的交易执行。
The approved nuclear vendor list is controlled and issued by the NQA Engineer. 已核准核产品供应商名册由核质量保证(NQA)工程师负责控制和发放。
Selecting textbooks and other leaning materials from the approved Ministry of Education list, with the help of teachers. 帮助教师从教育部提供的教科书和学习资料中选定教材。
Ain't none of it on the approved list. 都不在许可清单上。
On the approved list are romantic excursions, novels, lingerie, jewelry, something fragrant, such as rose bath oil, and something soft and snuggly, like cashmere. 可以送的东西包括一个浪漫的假期、一本小说、内衣、珠宝、香香的东西比如说浴油,或者软软的舒服的东西,像开司米。
Check and count all goods to be received per approved purchase order or daily market list. 根据采购申请单或每日食品订货单核实和清点验收的货品。
Approved List of Property Management Agents 认可物业管理公司名册
Create approved vendor list for each part according to the supplier appraisal report finished by SQA, QC and Engineering. 根据SQA,QC和工程技术人员共同完成的供应商考察评估报告,建立合格供应商清单。
Could not save settings to the approved sites list. 无法将设置保存到许可站点列表中。
The information contained in the Approved List are based on those provided by the Applicant at the time when approval is given. 认可清单所载资料根据在批准发出时申请人所提供的资料而编撰。
Grocery list must be approved by cost controller and financial controller, the daily market list must be approved by cost controller. 杂货采购单必须由成本经理及财务总监签字认可,市场采购单必须由成本部签字认可。
Listed on the NSA Approved Product List, the unit complies with U. 该产品被列入NSA批准产品名单,符合美国国防部的消磁要求。
Subject to acceptance of the response, the reviewer will endorse the QA questionnaire and arrange for vendor details to be included on the nuclear approved vendor list. 收到问卷反馈后,评审人员将对质量保证(QA)问卷作出批注,并将供应商详情填入已认可核产品供应商名册中。
Eisenhower had approved a final list of acceptable running mates and then turned the actual selection over his inner circle of advisers. 艾森豪威尔接受了一张可供挑选的竞选伙伴的最后名单,最后并实际交给一群心腹顾问。
If the resources are not available to set up an internal DNS server, more sophisticated firewalls can be used to filter only DNS queries to addresses that are not in an approved list. 如果资源不具备设立一个内部DNS服务器,更复杂的防火墙可用于过滤不属于已核准清单地址中的DNS查询。
If a qualified vendor fails to take the required corrective action, he will be disqualified and removed from the Approved Vendors List. 如果具有资质的供应商未能按要求实施整改,则将取消该供应商的资质,并将其从核准供应商名录中除名。
In charge of sourcing, supplier qualification; extend the quantity in our approved supplier list for our qualified suppliers. 负责供应商资源开发,负责供应商资质审核,扩充优秀供应商资源。
Approved Contractors on our approved list may not be invited for every tender of the category they are in. 本集团名册上之认可承办商,在所属交易类别的项目,不会每一次都被邀请投标或报价。
Select sources for the supply from approved supplier list, ensuring selection complements the Purchasing strategy. 在被认可的供应商名录中选择合适的供应商,完成公司采购计划。
The competent department, in turn, shall present the approved list of members of the academic degree evaluation committee to the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council for the record. 主管部门应将批准的学位评定委员会组成人员名单报国务院学位委员会备案。
Only brokers on our approved broker list may be used to place trades. 仅有列在我们经批准的券商名单上的券商才可以下达订单。
He may choose from the Approved Punishments list. 你可以在《已通过罚案》里选择相应的处罚条例。
The approved list of contractors for any type of services you wish to utilise for your subcontract can be obtained any time from Alba Purchasing. 任何类型你想利用你的转包服务的承办商的认可名单可从阿尔巴采购的任何时间。
The order must be confirmed by someone on the approved list. 指令必须再由核准名单内的某人确认才可执行。
An approved sample or reference sample with packing list and shipping marks are available as reference for factory QC. 已核准的样品或参考样品与包装清单和唛头,可作为工厂品管参考的。